Speaker:Christos Vassilicos

Affiliation:Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Lille – Kampé de Feriet CNRS UMR 9014

Speech Title:To be announced.

Curriculum Vitae: Professor John Christos Vassilicos started his career at the University of Cambridge and was, since 2003, Professor of Fluid Mechanics at Imperial College London. His research is in the fundamentals and applications of turbulent flows. He published significant contributions in many aspects of turbulence theory supported by experimental and numerical data. To cite a few, he introduced the study of turbulent flows generated by fractal/multi-scale objects, discovered a new turbulence dissipation and interscale energy flux law for non-equilibrium turbulence as well as resulting turbulent wake and jet scaling laws, made contributions to the understanding of clustering of inertial particles in turbulent flows, and more recently to wall turbulence. He was awarded an ERC Advanced grant (2013-2018) and has been the PI of many European and UK Grants. He has supervised and trained 34 completed doctoral students and 14 post-doctoral researchers. Since 2019, Professor John Christos Vassilicos joined the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Lille (LMFL) and obtained a permanent senior researcher position (Director of Research) at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).

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