Proceeding Paper Requirements:

1. Full paper of 6-11 pages (12-15 for plenary lecture) of around 400 words each, containing original research.

2. All accepted papers will be published together in the IUTAM proceedings book series, accessible via the Springer series.

3. The submission deadline is April 20, 2024.

4. Reviewing process will end by June 28, 2024.

5. Further details regarding the preparation of proceedings papers can be found on the Springer Nature website: https://www.springernature.com/gp/authors/publish-a-book/step-by-step-conference-proceedings.

Resubmission for Journal Papers:

If you are interested in publishing an extended version of your proceedings paper as a journal article, please adhere to the following principles:

1. The extended version must contain at least 30% new material.

2. It must reference the original publication.

3. It should explicitly state the changes made.

Guidelines for Authors:

1. For your convenience, we have summarized in the "Author Guidelines" document, which can be downloaded here, how a proceedings paper should be structured, how elements (headings, figures, references) should be formatted using our predefined styles, etc. We also give some insight on how your paper will be typeset at Springer Nature. 

2. Springer Nature has developed LaTeX style files and Word templates to help you prepare your paper. LaTeX is the preferred format for texts containing several formulae, but Word templates are also available below.

Important downloads:

Proceedings LaTeX package                 Proceedings Word template

Frequently asked questions:

1. Is there a minimum/maximum number of pages per volume?

A proceedings volume should contain at least 120 pages in total. We can fit up to 500 pages in one single volume. The option of multiple volumes should be discussed with your project manager.

2. Are a mixture of LaTeX and Word files permitted in one single proceedings volume?

Yes. Please see the Guidelines above for more details.

3. Can an author submit a paper to Springer Nature directly?

No. We do not select the papers for publication here in editorial. The papers for presentation are selected by the Program Committees of the conferences. We select the conferences for which the proceedings are to be published by us. 

4. How can a researcher check whether a conference is being truthful about having its proceedings published by Springer Nature?

If you suspect that a conference is using any Springer Nature logo under false pretenses, please report this to your Springer Nature contact.

5. May authors place their papers on their institutional repositories?

Please see your publishing agreement or License to Publish.

6. May authors submit an extended version of their proceedings paper to a journal?

Authors wishing to publish an extended version of their proceedings paper as a journal article must adhere to the following principles: a) the extended version has to include at least 30% new material; b) it has to cite the original publication; and c) it must include an explicit statement about the increment (e.g., new results, better description of materials, etc.).

Submission System:



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