Speaker:Oliver Buxton

Affiliation:Imperial College London

Speech Title:To be announced.

Curriculum Vitae: Oliver Buxton is a Reader in Experimental Fluid Mechanics in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London. The main focus of his research is the application of laser diagnostics to turbulence research. In particular, he has focused on multiscale-generated turbulence and turbulent entrainment, specifically turbulent entrainment from a turbulent background. He is currently an EPSRC fellow applying these advances to understanding, and modelling turbulent wakes produced by wind turbines which is a vital precurosr to developing accurate wind-farm optimisation tools.


He also has a developing interest in Martian aerodynamics. Due to the thin atmosphere, and different chemical composition (primarily carbon dioxide), flight on Mars is characterised by a peculiar combination of transonic Mach number and very low Reynolds number (typical of insect flight on Earth).

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